Facial/Skin Peels

Facial/Skin Peels

Chemical peels such as Vi Peels are safe for all skin types. This advanced skincare formulation uses scientifically proven, ingredients designed to peel the skin to achieve and maintain skin health for all skin types and conditions. Each chemical peel treatment is virtually pain free and includes a specifically formulated post peel kit which is essential for your treatment victory.

There are different formulations that are available. After a consultation, we will decide the best treatment option for you!

Luxe Revive Signature Facial

Make time for yourself and focus on relaxation and self care. Our Luxe Revive Signature Facial will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed. Includes cleansing, gentle exfoliation, extraction, aromatic massage with a mask suitable for your skin type.

Lunch Time Facial

Need a quick pick-me-up? Book our lunchtime facial to refresh and revitalize your skin without any downtime or discomfort. Includes cleansing and exfoliating your skin to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. A mask or serum may be applied to hydrate and nourish your skin. Treat yourself to a little self care during your lunch break!

Crystal Clear Dermalux Glow facial

By starting your facial with a dermaplane, it removes the outmost layer of dead skin cells and fine vellus hair “peach fuzz”. This will give you better penetration of the infusion serum through the diamond glow device. This process results in smoother, brighter and softer skin. The treatment concludes with a and light stim LED panel treatment


A cosmetic procedure that involves gently exfoliating the top layer of the skin using a sterile surgical blade. The process helps to remove dead skin cells, fine facial hair (peach fuzz) and surface imperfections. Dermaplaning aims to promote smoother and brighter skin allowing skincare products to penetrate more effectively and creating a refreshed complexion. May have treatment alone or as an add on procedure

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